Synergy forecourt

Find Mobil petrol stations in New Zealand

Type a town, or address in the search bar below. Suggestions will be provided for you. You can refine your search by typing in more keywords like a town and postcode or country. Click on the search button to begin your search. You will see a map and a listing of Mobil, or Mobilcard acceptor service stations in the surrounding area. Select a station, click on "Get directions" to get driving directions to the station, or "Station details" to view more information for each station including opening hours, amenities, address, telephone number, and a map.
  • Mobil car wash

    Mobil Car Wash

    We have car washes across the network so choose the car wash that suits you and your car when your car needs it.

  • Woman enjoying a Mobil coffee

    Mobil Coffee and Food to Go

    We make it easy for you to get back on the road again with quality coffee, food for now and food for later.

  • Mobil Business Solutions customer driving a truck

    Mobil Business Solutions

    Optimise your fleet’s fuel management and save on fuel with Mobilcard for business. You can use Mobilcard at over 335 accepting sites across New Zealand.